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Farm Naturelle Stone Crusher Juice

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What is Stone Crusher Juice?

Stone crusher juice is a herbal product that is specially curated to break the kidney and gall bladder stones/deposits into small pieces and keep them healthy. It provides relief from the discomfort of stones and regulates the flow of urine. Stone crusher juice is also called patharchatta or patharchatta juice as pathar means stone and chatta means breaking.

What are the key benefits of Stone Crusher Juice?

1. Breaks the kidney and gall bladder deposits in small pieces
2. Cleanses urinary bladder and kidney
3. Relieves the discomfort of stone/deposits
4. Regulates the flow of urine

Select your Product:

Stone Crusher Juice
Stone Crusher Juice
₹699.00/- 5% ₹699.00/- 5%
Out of Stock
Stone Crusher Juice- Pack of 2
Stone Crusher Juice- Pack of 2
₹1398.00/- 5% ₹1398.00/- 5%
Out of Stock

Key Ingredients of Stone Crusher Juice

Pattarchatta Leaf

Pattarchatta Leaf

1. Treats kidney stones
2. Contain diuretic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties
3. Treats intestinal issues

Gokhru Beej

Gokhru Beej

1. Reduces the pain while passing urine
2. Contains antibacterial, anti-microbial properties
3. Treats kidney problems

Punarnava Bark

Punarnava Bark

1. Treats kidney/urinary disorders
2. Improves the functioning of the kidney
3. Prevents fluid retention



1. Prevents peptic ulcers
2. Improves kidney malfunctions
3. Cures intestinal pain

How to consume Stone Crusher Juice?

1. Mix 20 ml of stone crusher juice in half glass water
2. Drink twice a day
3. In the morning- 1 hour before breakfast
4. In the evening- 90 minutes after dinner

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Does the Stone crusher juice contain any chemicals?
No, the product is completely ayurvedic and it does not contain any chemical ingredients.
2. Does this juice help in curing the pain while passing urine?
Yes, drinking this juice on a regular basis will help you in getting rid of the pain you suffer during pee.
3. For how many days do I need to consume this juice?
It is advised to consume this juice on a regular basis for a month. You will find positive results after the consumption of this juice daily.

Customer Testimonials

It really provides relief from kidney stone pain. I consume this juice regularly and have much relief from the pain.
Very effective product. It provides relief within days after regular consumption.
I am impressed by its result. I recommend everyone to buy this juice if you or your family member is suffering from kidney/ urinary bladder stone or pain.
Sukriti, Mathura
Aman, Nagpur
Anjali, Lucknow
Disclaimer: While we ensure that all product information on the platform is complete and accurate, however, we advise you not to solely rely on this information. It is recommended to refer to the product manual and/or specifications provided by the manufacturer either on their website or along with the product. This is applicable for all warnings, labels, ingredients and usage directions as well. The use of any information provided on this platform is solely at the user's risk. Nothing contained on this platform shall be considered as medical advice. Consumers are advised to contact the manufacturer for any further information and assistance. The results from the products will vary from person to person, No individual result should be seen as typical.