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Tropicana Essentials - Multivitamin 200ml(Pack of 2) ₹60 for Free*
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Tropicana Multivitamin - A Delicious Expert Juice Blend

Packed with the blend of Amlas, Oranges and Apples, and bundled with the goodness of 5 immuno nutrients that supports a healthy immune function

Why Tropicana Multivitamin?

No Added Sugar and Flavour

No Added Sugar and Flavour

No Added Preservatives

No Added Preservatives

Get 30% of daily requirement of 5 Immunonutrients

It contains 100% squeezed juices with added vitamins to help you get a nutrition boost. Tasty blend of Orange, Apple and Amla. Supports immune function and meets 30% Daily Requirement of 5 Immunonutrients: Vit C, B6, B12, Zinc, Selenium


It plays a role in maintenance of the skin barrier function, which provide the first line of defense.


It is essential for optimum immune response and influences the innate and adaptive immune systems.
Vitamin B-12

Vitamin B-12

It works in synergy with other nutrients to support the activities of immune cells.


It plays a role in antibody production and T-cell activity. When antigens (foreign substances that invade the body) are detected, antibodies attach to them and help in stopping their action.


It plays a crucial role in protecting the body’s cells from oxidative responses produced during stress. Vitamin C is also important in wound healing
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