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For Doctors

Docetec 120 MG Injection

Manufacturer :  United Biotech (P) Ltd
Medicine Composition :  Docetaxel
Prescription vs OTC : Prescription by Doctor required

About Docetec 120 MG Injection

Docetec 120 MG Injection is a chemotherapy medication which is used to treat various cancers of lungs, prostate, head, neck, stomach and breast. It should be used under the supervision of a healthcare professional as close monitoring of blood cell count and liver function test is necessary during the treatment. Docetec 120 MG Injection is from a family of drugs called taxanes. This drug works by interfering with the growth of cancer cells and therefore stops them from spreading to other parts of the body. It is given by slow injection into a vein.

Common side effects include hair loss, numbness, low blood cell counts, vomiting, shortness of breath and muscle pains. Other severe side effects include allergic reactions and increased risk of having cancers in future. Side effects are more common in people with liver problems. Using this medicine during pregnancy may harm the baby.

Ask your doctor about the risks of taking this medicine if you have the following conditions :

This medication is administered into the body by injection into a vein by a medical professional, once every 3 weeks or as prescribed by your doctor. The duration and frequency of your dosage is based on your medical condition and response to treatment. The effect of this medicine can be observed in less than an hour and lasts for an average duration of 11 hours. This medicine is given in multiple cycles. It is important to receive every scheduled dose on time. In case of occurrence of any serious side effects, consult your doctor.

    Information given here is based on the salt content of the medicine. Uses and effects of the medicine may vary from person to person. It is advisable to consult a Oncologist before using this medicine.

    What are the uses of Docetec 120 MG Injection

    • Breast Cancer

      Docetec 120 MG Injection is used in the treatment of breast cancer.

    • Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

      Docetec 120 MG Injection is used in the treatment of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer which is a type of cancer that affects the lungs.

    • Prostate Cancer

      Docetec 120 MG Injection is used in the treatment of prostate cancer which is a most common type of cancer in the men.

    • Gastric Cancer

      Docetec 120 MG Injection is used in the treatment of gastric cancer that develops in the lining of the stomach.

    • Head And Neck Cancer

      Docetec 120 MG Injection is used in the treatment of head and neck cancer that affects mouth, nose and throat and salivary glands.

    Information given here is based on the salt content of the medicine. Uses and effects of the medicine may vary from person to person. It is advisable to consult a Oncologist before using this medicine.

    What are the contraindications of Docetec 120 MG Injection ?

    • Allergy

      Not recommended in the patients with known allergy to Docetec 120 MG Injection.

    • Neutrophils Count

      Not recommended in the patients with neutrophils count less than 1,500 cells/mm3

    Information given here is based on the salt content of the medicine. Uses and effects of the medicine may vary from person to person. It is advisable to consult a Oncologist before using this medicine.

    What are the side effects of Docetec 120 MG Injection ?

    Information given here is based on the salt content of the medicine. Uses and effects of the medicine may vary from person to person. It is advisable to consult a Oncologist before using this medicine.

    Key highlights of Docetec 120 MG Injection

    • How long is the duration of effect?

      The effect of this medicine lasts for an average duration of 11 hours.

    • What is the onset of action?

      The peak effect of this medicine can be observed in less than an hour.

    • Are there any pregnancy warnings?

      This medicine is not recommended for pregnant women.

    • Is it habit forming?

      No habit forming tendencies were reported.

    • Are there any breast-feeding warnings?

      This medicine is not recommended in breastfeeding women.

    Information given here is based on the salt content of the medicine. Uses and effects of the medicine may vary from person to person. It is advisable to consult a Oncologist before using this medicine.

    What are the substitutes for Docetec 120 MG Injection ?

    Below is the list of medicines, which have the same composition, strength and form as Docetec 120 MG Injection , and hence can be used as its substitute.

    Information given here is based on the salt content of the medicine. Uses and effects of the medicine may vary from person to person. It is advisable to consult a Oncologist before using this medicine.

    What are the dosage instructions?

    • Missed Dose instructions

      It is advised not to miss any dose. If you missed any dose, you should contact your doctor immediately.

    • Are there any overdose instructions?

      Seek emergency medical treatment or contact the doctor in case of an overdose.

    Information given here is based on the salt content of the medicine. Uses and effects of the medicine may vary from person to person. It is advisable to consult a Oncologist before using this medicine.

    Where is the Docetec 120 MG Injection approved?

    • India

    • United States

    • Japan

    Information given here is based on the salt content of the medicine. Uses and effects of the medicine may vary from person to person. It is advisable to consult a Oncologist before using this medicine.

    How does this medication work?

    This medication belongs to the class antimicrotubule agent. It prevents the polymerization by microtubule stabilization. This causes inhibition of the normal dynamic microtubule network reorganization. This is found to be essential for vital interphase and cellular functions of mitotic.

      Information given here is based on the salt content of the medicine. Uses and effects of the medicine may vary from person to person. It is advisable to consult a Oncologist before using this medicine.

      What are the interactions of Docetec 120 MG Injection ?

      Whenever you take more than one medicine, or mix it with certain foods or beverages, you"re at risk of a drug interaction.

      • Interaction with Alcohol


        Interaction with alcohol is unknown. It is advisable to consult your doctor before consumption.
      • Interaction with Lab Test


        Information not available.
      • Interaction with Medicine


        These medicines may further lower the white blood cell count if received together. Any symptoms of fever, diarrhea, sore throat, chills should be informed to the doctor. Close monitoring of blood cell count is necessary. An alternate medicine should be considered based on the clinical condition.


        Diltiazem may increase the concentration of Docetec 120 MG Injection and may cause serious effects like low white blood cells count, hair loss, nausea, and vomiting. Inform the doctor if you are receiving any antihypertensives before initiation of the treatment. An alternate medicine should be considered based on the clinical condition.


        These medicines may increase the risk of nerve damage if given together. Any symptoms of numbness, tingling or burning sensation in feet, hands should be informed to the doctor. An alternate medicine should be considered based on the clinical condition.

        Live vaccines

        You may be at the risk of developing infections if these medicines are taken together. Inform the doctor if you had received either of these medicines. Your doctor may postpone therapy based on the condition.
      • Interaction with Disease


        This medicine can suppress the immune system of the body. Hold the chemotherapy and start with the broad-spectrum antibiotics if there are any signs and symptoms of fever. Close monitoring of the body temperature and the blood cell count is necessary.
      • Interaction with Food


        Information not available.


      • Docetaxel-Drug Information Portal [Internet] 2022 [Cited 3 June 2022].Available from:

      • Docetaxel-DrugBank Online [Internet] 2022 [Cited 3 June 2022].Available from:

      • DOCETAXEL injection,solution-DailyMed [Internet] 2022 [Cited 3 June 2022].Available from:

      Disclaimer : The information produced here is best of our knowledge and experience and we have tried our best to make it as accurate and up-to-date as possible, but we would like to request that it should not be treated as a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment.

      Lybrate is a medium to provide our audience with the common information on medicines and does not guarantee its accuracy or exhaustiveness. Even if there is no mention of a warning for any drug or combination, it never means that we are claiming that the drug or combination is safe for consumption without any proper consultation with an expert.

      Lybrate does not take responsibility for any aspect of medicines or treatments. If you have any doubts about your medication, we strongly recommend you to see a doctor immediately.

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      Content Details
      Profile Image
      Written ByDrx Hina FirdousPhD (Pharmacology) Pursuing, M.Pharma (Pharmacology), B.Pharma - Certificate in Nutrition and Child CarePharmacology
      Reviewed By
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      Reviewed ByDr. Garima SharmaMBBS, Master in Healthcare Administration, Diploma in Occupational HealthGeneral Physician

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