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Complete infertility (Thyrocare) Test

Complete infertility (Thyrocare) Test

Complete infertility test helps find out the reason why a woman is not able to conceive. The test identifies the problem in both males and females. It usually involves a variety of investigations such as blood tests, semen analysis, physical examination, hormone testing, testicular biopsy, genetic testing, imaging, ovulation testing, hysteroscopy and laparoscopy. The tests are different for men and women. Based on the results of this test, the doctor will be able to provide therapy and suggest lifestyle changes to make it easier for a couple to conceive. Often, the reason for infertility is very minor and treatable.

Complete infertility tests do not require any special preparation. You do not have to fast before giving a sample. The doctor will ask you a few questions to clarify your sexual habits and is likely to recommend changes. Some of the tests such as blood tests and semen analysis are painless. However, other tests such as laparoscopy may cause some pain. All the tests are done in the clinic itself while a few such as hysteroscopy and laparoscopy are carried out in operating room. It is important for the patient to be mentally prepared to answer questions regarding his or her sex life, which might get quite uncomfortable.

Complete infertility test helps identify the underlying cause of infertility. The doctor will then be able to carry out necessary therapy or surgery to eliminate the problem. However, sometimes it is difficult to find out the reason for infertility. This is called unexplained infertility. Furthermore, in some cases, infertility cannot be treated even if the reason is known. Such couples can seek services such as assisted reproductive technology.

The test involves a complete physical examination of both the male and female partners. Physical examination for females involves Pap test and pelvic examination, while that for males involves a testicular examination. Blood is withdrawn from both partners, usually from the upper arm. Urine samples are also collected. Males have to give a semen sample as well. Both urine and semen samples can be collected comfortably at home or at the clinic by the patients themselves.

whole blood
2ml lavender top tube
Type Gender Age-Group Value
Complete infertility
18-45 years
Rs. 7000- Rs 13000

Table of Content

What is Complete infertility (Thyrocare) Test?
Preparation for Complete infertility (Thyrocare) Test
Uses of Complete infertility (Thyrocare) Test
Procedure for Complete infertility (Thyrocare) Test
Specimen Requirements
Normal values for Complete infertility (Thyrocare) Test
Price for Complete infertility (Thyrocare) Test
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