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Kwiknic Nicotine Gum for ₹100 Free
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Pay only shipping charges of ₹20
{{ ctrl.productPackageDetails[0].productName }}
₹{{ $root.loginState && ctrl.productPackageDetails[0].userMrp ? ctrl.productPackageDetails[0].userMrp : ctrl.productPackageDetails[0].displayMrp }}/- ₹{{ ctrl.productPackageDetails[0].mrp }} {{ ctrl.productPackageDetails[0].discountPercentage }} ₹{{ ctrl.productPackageDetails[0].mrp }} {{ ctrl.productPackageDetails[0].discountPercentage }}

{{ ctrl.userProduct.title | ellipsis: 40 }}

₹{{ $root.loginState && ctrl.userProduct.userMrp ? ctrl.userProduct.userMrp : ctrl.userProduct.displayMrp }}/- MRP ₹{{ ctrl.userProduct.mrp }}
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{{ ctrl.userProduct.quantity }}
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Kwiknic Nicotine Gum: Your Friend In Need

Less Nicotine

A lower level of nicotine in Kwiknic Gum allows body to gradually adjust to having less and less nicotine and helps you quit tobacco.

Consumption Safe

Kwiknic doesn’t contain Tar, Carbon or other constituents of tobacco products, making it consumption safe. It doesn’t make you dependent on it.

Balanced Taste

It has great refreshing taste with balanced sweetness. The gum does not have added sugar, making it ideal for diabetics and sugar concerned people.
Get Your FREE Pack Now

User Testimonials

My attempts at quitting smoking had always failed miserably in the past. But few months back a friend told me about Kwiknic nicotine gum and I tried to quit tobacco once again. Surprisingly, I didn’t fail this time. Kwiknic worked really well for me.
I did not feel dependent on Kwiknic. The two flavours were a great help. I kept changing the flavours. It helped me stay away from tobacco and control the urge to smoke.
After seeing my uncle battle lung cancer, I was firm about getting rid of tobacco. But it was never easy. I couldn’t fight the withdrawal symptoms. Then someone told me about Kwiknic nicotine gum, and gradually I cut down on my smoking habit.
Shreyas Nigam, Age 28, Chandigarh
Romit Ghosh, Age 42, Kolkata
Nikita Achrekar, Age 31, Mumbai

Doctor Testimonials

Nicotine Gums have sugar. So it becomes a worry for diabetic patients to consume it. But Kwiknic Nicotine Gum does not have any added sugar. I so recommend it to my diabetic and sugar-concerned patients who are looking for ways to quit smoking.
Any tobacco product has Tar or Carbon in it which is bad for body as a person becomes used to to them. So when someone asks about Nicotine Gums. I also had my own concerns. Kwiknic Nicotine Gum has fixed that worry. There is no tobacco ingredient in it. So it is pretty safe for my patients.
Because of lower level of nicotine, Kwiknic Nicotine Gum allows your body to adjust to having lesser nicotine. And this gradually makes you quit tobacco. Hence I suggest to many of my patients to start consuming this gum and lead a healthier life.
Rupam Jain Rupam Jain, New Delhi
Rohan Verma Rohan Verma, Kolkata
Vikas Sinha Vikas Sinha, Chandigarh
Disclaimer: While we ensure that all product information on the platform is complete and accurate, however, we advise you not to solely rely on this information. It is recommended to refer to the product manual and/or specifications provided by the manufacturer either on their website or along with the product. This is applicable for all warnings, labels, ingredients and usage directions as well. The use of any information provided on this platform is solely at the user's risk. Nothing contained on this platform shall be considered as medical advice. Consumers are advised to contact the manufacturer for any further information and assistance. The results from the products will vary from person to person, No individual result should be seen as typical.