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Activkids Immuno Boosters (240gm) - 30 Choco Bites
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Immunity statistics of Indian kids

Don’t receive full Immunisation

Don’t receive full Immunisation

4 out of 10 children don’t receive full immunisation during infancy, making them prone to conditions such as recurrent stomach infections.
Upper respiratory tract infections

Upper respiratory tract infections

1 out of 3 Urban Indian children suffers from upper respiratory tract infections, symptoms being frequent cold and cough.
Suffer from Anaemia

Suffer from Anaemia

More than 75% of urban Indian school children suffer from Anaemia. These children witness poor body growth and remain underweight.
Vitamin A Deficiency

Vitamin A Deficiency

Vitamin A deficiency affects the healing power of the body. Compared to global standards, India has the highest number of kids suffering from Vitamin A deficiency.

Select your product:

Activkids Immuno Boosters for 4-6 Years - 360g (30 Count)
Activkids Immuno Boosters for 4-...
₹299.0/- 5% ₹299.0/- 5%
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Activkids Immuno Boosters for 7 Years - 360g (30 Count)
Activkids Immuno Boosters for 7 ...
₹299.0/- 5% ₹299.0/- 5%
Out of Stock

Now Available At Lybrate

ActivKids Immuno Boosters is available for kids of three age groups:
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30 Choco-Bites for 1 month.

Customer Testimonials

Healthy Chocolate - does that sound like an oxymoron to you too? Well, not anymore. Active Kids Immuno boosters by Cipla is making sure kids get their daily RDA requirement and also boost their natural immunity through bite sized chocolate bars.
I am in absolute love with the product. Kids always make parents run behind them for taking medicines and syrups but this bite-sized chocolate immunity booster makes them run behind you. It has helped to control the symptoms and severity of Delhi-bourne pollution symptoms that mimic viral and I'm very happy about my purchase.
Namrata B,
Honey Prisha,

Boost your child's health!

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