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The Weight Cutter Basic Pack

(Saffola Fiitify Slim Shake + Saffola Fittify Green Tea)

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The Weight Cutter Basic Pack

A basic package designed to help weight loss beginners to achieve calorie control goals. Meal Replacement Shake will ensure you lose inches while Green Tea will flush the toxins out. Don't wait for the New You!
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How to use/consume?

How to consume Saffola FITTIFY Gourmet Moringa Green tea?

  • Place the tea bag in a cup.
  • Add 150ml of hot water.
  • For an optimum flavour, let the tea bag infuse for only 2 minutes.

How to consume Saffola FITTIFY Hi-Protein Meal shake?

  • Take 2 scoops of powder(35gm).
  • Add 50ml of skimmed milk and shake.
  • Add an additional 150ml of skimmed milk.
  • Shake thoroughly and consume immediately.

Choose The Weight Cutter Basic Pack because it contains

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